What Are Security RFID Locks And How They Are Good To Use?

RFID allows the unlocking of an element (door, winch, or access) by means of the proximity of a card, wristband, or even a vehicle.

The RFID locks are usually used in sports centers, homes, wellness centers, broken key removal and spa and various hotels. They are present in lockers to improve the management of keys and users. Depending on the model, they enable the control of restricted hours and check-in. They are a security lock system almost impossible to clone, which makes them very secure.

Both RFID locks and cylinders can be found on the market, very useful in access control, and work in the same way, due to the proximity of the bracelet, card or element that comes close to this lock or cylinder. They are ideal for residences, hotels, apartments, and business centers. Before continuing, we remind you that we have teams of locksmiths, broken key removal including our excellent team of 24-hour Arroyomolinos locksmiths, who will always be at your disposal. So take the help of Residential Locksmith in case of Broken Key Removal.
broken key removalRFID Security Locks: The locks RFID security work with the system commonly called Wireless, whose translation is wireless, which means no contact to perform its function. Upon contact of a card, remote or bracelet near the RFID security lock, the locker, lathe, or simply a door will open.
A battery-powered system whose discharge is reported in real-time in the integrated system. It can be adapted to existing NFC, fingerprint, and barcode systems. Its peculiarity that stands out in the current times is to allow the development of mobile solutions to manage the use of this RFID lock.

Electronic And Electromagnetic Lock:

We differentiate the electronic locks from the electromagnetic ones when we refer to a mechanism that locks the door from which, from a magnetized device, closes the door with an electric current. The electromagnetic lock works with two pieces, one is an electromagnet that is placed on the door frame, and the other is a metal foil on the door. When the current circulates, a magnetic field is created that joins the two parts, and when it disappears, it stops working, leaving the door open.

The door remains open in the event of a light failure in a system with an electromagnetic lock; the same does not happen with electronic locks since, in the absence of electricity, they remain equally closed. If we choose to choose electromagnetic locks, we must consider the pros and cons, especially in modern systems where they do not operate on electricity but batteries. Another advantage lies in the software system in which we can deactivate lost keys or those of tenants who are no longer there for greater security.

RFID Smart Lock:

The smart RFID locks adapt to different and integrated security systems door opening as in the case of biometric locks, also known as a fingerprint. These access control systems are typically used in shared offices and home environments. The RFID smart lock is incorporated into the reader that allows the use of RFID cards. Low consumption batteries usually last for about 8,000 openings depending on the model and warn before 500 openings as low battery for change.

These smart RFID locks have an alternative manual key system for cases of system error and permanent blocking. They usually have the capacity for 100 users. The software is integrated with the management and control of access to facilities with competitive cost as well as savings in installation time.

Electronic RFID Proximity Card Lock:

This electronic lock with an RFID card allows integration into the Access Control that stores the installation in memory and can be retrieved by the informant. Battery status of the lock, the time at which a door is opened (locker or lathe) by which the user, and the locker in question.
For this system to work, five elements are required, including the RFID proximity card or bracelet, autonomous lock, reader attached to the lock, reporting terminal in the control center, and access control terminal that can be linked to the previous one broken key removal.

An alternative to this method is the electronic lock without integration with access control, no information is stored on the RFID card, so any type of card or bracelet can be used broken key removal.