Little known locksmith services

Austin Car Keys Locksmith Now Hiring LocksmithEvery day across the United States people are in need of locksmith services. You see it every day you see that guy stuck at the grocery store with his keys locked inside. You see that old lady who accidentally locked her keys in the house when she went out to go get the mail. And you. You for sure have used a locksmith at some point in your life. And if not you will use a locksmith at some point.

All have heard of the locksmith that replaces the lock on your front door. We’ve all seen that locksmith installing bio-identification locks. But you probably didn’t know about The following locksmith services:

Motorcycle locksmith

The motorcycle locksmith is an important locksmith in local city. The motorcycle locksmith is a locksmith service that not all other automotive locksmith services offer. Because these are different than Automotive keys not all will be able to cater to motorcycle key service calls.

Home security audits

Locksmiths offer that you probably have not heard about is the home security audit. The home security audit is generally a free. This service is where the locksmith comes to the location and evaluates the property for security defects.

Transponder key programming

What are the more popular modern locksmith services is the transponder key programming service. 20 years ago this service was not even available. Today it is common in virtually every car that rolls off the assembly line.

Commercial key card lock installation

Again another service that probably wasn’t available 20 years ago is the commercial key card lock installation service. This service is offered by the commercial locksmith and not all commercial locks Miss offer this type of service. But today it is widely available by most local locksmiths.

Window lock installation

You probably didn’t know that last message also offer window lock installation services. These services will go through your whole house and install window locks. Window locks are a excellent security addition to your home. Added Peace of Mind indeed!