Invest in a residential lock to ensure home safety

You need to travel for a business trip or for a cruise on a holiday with your family members. You are supposed to be away from your home sweet home for 10 complete days. Leaving your home makes you anxious and worried. You need to protect your home from strangers, burglars, etc. with a good and functional residential door lock.

But simply using an over-the-counter residential lock and using it will not suffice the purpose. You need to do detailed research before buying a residential door lock that will ensure safety of your home.

Hence, we have brought for you some of the residential locks that are available in the market. We will describe the unique characteristics of each residential lock so that it helps you in buying as per your needs. Before we start, it is advisable to self-analyse your requirements and preferences. Check your security needs first to determine before selecting a residential lock. Do you want to secure the interior doors? Do you want a different locking technology? Do you want to lock children’s’ windows for their safety? You need to answer these primary questions first before browsing through the range of residential locks.

Here are the different types of residential door locks:

Sliding Locks:
Upon your personal requirements, you can use sliding locks to door the interior parts of a home. For example, one can lock all the interior doors with sliding locks. If you want to lock windows of children’s rooms, then go ahead with sliding locks.

Double-Cylinder Deadbolts:
Do you want the most durable and sturdy lock for your home? Then, double-cylinder deadbolts are the perfect answer. Someone trying to get through this type of residential lock need to destroy the door or the frame which is highly impossible for him. This lock safeguards your home from thefts and burglary. It can be locked using a key internally as well as externally.

Privacy Locks:
You must have seen a privacy lock in public washrooms or those in a commercial building. In the interior part of privacy lock, there is a button that pops out when the door is unlocked. This lock is easy to operate even for children and aged people in the house.

Single-Cylinder Deadbolts:
As compared to the double-cylinder deadbolts, this is relatively simple to use. This lock is used along with a traditional door lock. This lock is a perfect combination of a thumb lock in the interior part and a keyhole in the external part.

Keypad entry locks:
These residential door locks are commonly used. Available in different sizes, these locks cater to different security needs. As the thickness of the doors varies, it demands for different types of locks.

Other residential locks that are commonly used are passage knobs, lockset, mortise locks, thumbprint recognition system, etc. Thus, the lock industry offers different types of residential door locks to fulfill your varying security concerns. So, whether you want to lock your main door, or your interior doors, or just the windows to ensure safety, you can check suitable residential lock that resolves your concerns. Still not sure? Hire a professional locksmith service today and they will assist you.